International Fairtrade Fortnight T-shirt Competition
Whole school unites to promote ‘fairness and equality’!
The annual Fairtrade Fortnight competition was strongly contested by all forms in Years 7 to 11 during International Fairtrade Fortnight 2019. Forms were given a t-shirt and fabric paints and given the brief to design a t-shirt on the theme of ‘Fairness and Equality’. A representative from each form took part in a Fairtrade fashion show at lunchtime on Wednesday 6th March. The creativity of each design was especially impressive this year. Winners in each year group were: 7 Austen, 8 Seacole, 9 Franklin, 10 Austin, 11 Franklin and 11 Hadid. Congratulations! Fairtrade prizes will be delivered to your form rooms this week! Thank you everyone for enthusiastically embracing this year’s Fairtrade challenge.