Home School Agreement
We see our school as a community which recognises and values individual worth, promotes achievement, and actively encourages learning in a supportive environment.
Pupils, parents/carers, staff and governors work in partnership:
- Believing that we should strive for the highest personal standards in all that we do.
- Helping each other to work together in an atmosphere of security, trust and co-operation.
- Giving each individual a sense of personal worth in a community which provides equality of opportunity.
- Supporting pupils in their transition from young adults to confident citizens, equipped to meet the challenges of the future.
Each pupil, present or past, is an ambassador of the school, helping to create and advance our reputation in the wider community.
To achieve these aims, there needs to be an agreement between the school, parents/carers and pupils which acknowledges that each member has responsibilities to fulfil if the pupils are to achieve their best.
The school will:
- provide a balanced curriculum and strive to meet the individual needs of your daughter through school and homework
- try to ensure that your daughter achieves her full potential
- promote high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships and developing a sense of responsibility
- keep you informed about general school matters and about your daughter’s progress in particular
- care for your daughter’s welfare as a valued member of the school community
I/We shall:
- ensure that my daughter attends school regularly, on time and properly dressed and equipped
- ensure that the school is aware of any concerns or problems that might affect my daughter’s work or behaviour
- fully support the school’s policies, rules and guidelines for behaviour and discipline
- be familiar with, and subscribe to, the Actions and Consequences (found on our ‘Parents’ website page under Behaviour, Rewards & Sanctions) which underpin our Pupil Code of Conduct (See Policies)
- fully support the school’s policy on homework
- attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my daughter’s progress
The Pupil:
I shall:
- follow the code of behaviour and be fully aware of the Actions and Consequences document (found on our ‘Parents’ website page under Behaviour, Rewards & Sanctions)
- attend school regularly and on time
- bring all of the equipment I need everyday
- wear the correct uniform and be tidy in appearance
- do my classwork and homework as well as I can
- be polite and helpful to others
- care for the school environment
- support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community.