Art, Craft and Design
The focus for Art, Craft & Design is to enjoy exploring creatively and to learn new skills and techniques that can help you to improve your understanding of the visual arts.
For more pupils’ art work, visit our PUPILS’ WORK – GALLERY.
Intent Statement
Art, Craft and Design study enables students to develop their concept of creativity, to build resilience in their approach to creative expression, and to develop their understanding of visual communication. Our creative art and design curriculum is formulated to include a range of techniques and processes that enhance enjoyment, inspire confidence, develop creative risk taking within a safe and developmental environment. Projects studied aim to increase creative dexterity and develop understanding of the concepts involved in creative processing.
Students are introduced to contemporary and historical artists and art works, expanding understanding of symbolic meaning and context for critical understanding. Discovering how art and design features in everyday life from the books we read, the packaging we choose, the virtual world we engage in, to the choices we make and how they are inspired by elements of design. Students develop their ability to make informed decisions about their own creative journey. Knowledge of the elements of design is embedded within the art and design curriculum at Bishop’s with the intention that this knowledge can be translated, combined and applied in other projects, across other educational subject areas and in future endeavours, developing greater creative cultural proficiency. Creativity and the ability to express ideas becomes a consciously acquired skill, enhancing future learning and enriching all stages of future life.
Art and design subjects build independent thinking processes and the confidence to explore and research, experience and express intentions in a variety of ways utilising a range of skills that enhance aesthetic knowledge. Students develop their ability to decipher the language of visual communication and a knowledge of how to successfully apply that knowledge in a variety of ways to foster a lifelong enjoyment of the visual arts.
This is a broad and flexible course which allows students to develop an appreciation of the creative process through practical exploration of a range of 2D and 3D media, material, techniques and processes. Students will explore the work of famous artists, designers and craftspeople from different times, societies and cultures.
In KS3 we explore a range of projects that respond to themes (a different theme for each year group). Students develop their ability to think creatively and to form expressive responses to set tasks. A range of projects are designed to develop skills in creative thought, dexterity, and to refine understanding of the formal elements in visual arts. Embedded in the curriculum is the opportunity to develop communication skills in visual art research, synthesis and analysis.
There will be the opportunity to explore many areas of study, including; painting & drawing, lens/light based media (photography), printing, sculpture and digital art. The course is designed to build on the skills and techniques studied in KS3 and gives the opportunity to develop those skills further. The focus at the start of the course is on skill building projects to achieve the standard needed to achieve good grades at GCSE. As the course progresses, a mixture of teacher and pupil led projects develop independent learning skills and allow the freedom to develop personal outcomes. Use of Photography, Adobe Photoshop software, digital media, drawing tablets and the Internet are a feature of this course. This subject has a coursework emphasis and will consist of work in a range of different art media, for example; Painting, drawing (using colour, various media), print-making, Photography and Sculpture. Contextual studies help to develop an understanding of contemporary art and traditional Art History.
A combination of experimental supporting studies will be generated in a range of media/scales and will lead to more sustained outcomes. Study of the work in International historical and contemporary artists will develop analytical skills and contextual understanding.
The art team are experienced in a wide range of disciplines and are always available for guidance and tutorials. Art clubs are a regular feature each week and open to all.
The opportunity in KS5 allows further focus in a wide range of areas of study, including; painting & drawing, lens/light based media (photography), printing, textiles media, sculpture and digital art. Skills are refined with the opportunity for extended study in your chosen area.
Supporting studies will be generated in a range of media/scales and will support more sustained outcomes.
The course will develop:
- intellectual, imaginative, creative and intuitive capabilities
- investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills, aesthetic understanding and critical judgement
- independence of mind in developing, refining and communicating own ideas, own intentions and own personal outcomes
- an interest in, enthusiasm for and enjoyment of art, craft and design
- experience of working with a broad range of media
- an understanding of the interrelationships between art, craft and design processes and an awareness of the contexts in which they operate
- knowledge and experience of real-world contexts and, where appropriate, links to the creative industries
- knowledge and understanding of art, craft, design and media and technologies in contemporary and past societies and cultures
- an awareness of different roles, functions, audiences and consumers of art, craft and design.
There are three multidisciplinary Art rooms. Facilities include a kiln for clay work, a Laser cutter, a vinyl cutter, a suite of laptops and drawing tablets and an ABIG geared printing press; lightboxes, easels, and digital cameras and Bernina sewing machines. Equipment and tools for a range of media both 2D and 3D.
A range of subject specific books are promoted in our department book of the week visual literacy drive.
Visits/Extra Curricular
Join us for our annual Expressive Arts Showcase! To book your FREE tickets, scan the QR code in the document below
Visits are arranged to London Galleries and museums during the two-year GCSE course.
The Royal Academy visit to run an Outreach workshop delivered by a practising artist. KS4 and KS5 students have the opportunity to take part.
Visiting artists come in to school to run workshops/talk about their work.
Each week enrichment clubs are offered in a variety of activities including; Textiles/fashion and the Art rooms are regularly open after school and at lunchtimes to allow students to catch up or practice their skills in ‘Design Boost’ club!
Further Information
Explore some of our pupils’ creations by visiting in our PUPILS WORK GALLERY.
There are a wide range of specialist books available to support your area of study. The school library has a large selection of books linked to the areas of study at both KS3 and KS4/5.
The department encourages independent thinking skills and personal creative responses and will always endeavour to support students in all of their creative pursuits in and out of school.
There is a Design Survival Kit available for sale in the school shop at a reasonable price to support you through your school years. The department has access to a wide range of facilities including laptops with Adobe design suite, new digital cameras, a new kiln and clay facilities, a digital laser cutter, a digital vinyl cutter, a sublimation printer and heat press.
Staff in the department are highly qualified in areas of Fine Art, Graphics and Ceramics bringing a wide range of expertise that helps to develop curriculum design.
Useful Links
For other creative subjects, please also visit our Graphics Communication page
You can follow our Expressive Arts account on Instagram here: bhgs_expressive_arts