Welcome to the Sixth Form
“Older students are fully involved in school life and relish the opportunity to build their character”
To find out if BHGS Sixth Form is for you and to apply by 29th January 2025, visit our NEW online Sixth Form Prospectus!
Dear Student, As you are reading this introduction to the Sixth Form at Bishop’s Hatfield, you are probably in the process of making a decision which may well influence the rest of your life. We hope that we will be able to give you the necessary information to find out if “Bishop’s” is the right place to meet your needs. The Sixth Form is a happy blend of newcomers, consortium students and students continuing with the Bishop’s Hatfield experience. All come together to contribute to a diverse, stimulating and interesting school community. We will have high expectations of you. We look for commitment to and responsibility for your own learning and we will encourage these through good teaching, advice and support. We will help you to learn to manage your time efficiently and to develop independent learning skills to pursue your studies and to lead a happy, healthy and full life in and out of school. Our expectation is that you will set yourself the highest of standards and will not settle for second best. The school enjoys an excellent reputation for being a place of genuine opportunity and advancement and we hope that on joining the Sixth Form you would strive to maintain and enhance that reputation further. Our Sixth Form is genuinely open to all who can benefit from what we have to offer. ● Over one-third of all grades were at A*/A All of the above measures put Bishop’s well above both national and local attainment averages. Bishop’s students have secured some fantastic places for next year in a variety of fields, including Law, Medicine, Humanities and Mathematics. All students who made a university application have gained a place at one of their chosen universities, and an increasing number of students have successfully gained places on very competitive apprenticeships. You can find more details on our results here: A Level Results It is right that a school should be judged on the quality and achievements of its Sixth Form and the school’s success owes much to the many contributions made by Sixth Form students. The high standards are reached through the hard work of both students and staff and by their constant review and re-assessment. Like that in the main school, the atmosphere in the Sixth Form is relaxed and friendly but always purposeful and encouraging of self-discipline and independence. Students leaving this school after following a Sixth Form course are invariably mature, self-assured and keenly aware of the possibilities open to them in the future. Individual students will always have their own reasons for joining the Sixth Form but here are some of the factors that commonly play a part in their decisions: Click here for information on the BHGS Sixth Form Subjects we teach. Mrs Elaine James Head of Sixth Form
● Nearly 90 % of all results were at grades A*-C
● 33% (28 students) achieved at least 2 grades at A*/A
● 12 students achieved 3 or more A*/A grades
New to Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School? We usually hold our Sixth Form Information Evening in the first or second week in November (6:30pm to 8pm) when both parents and students can get a feel for what studying in Sixth Form might be like at Bishop’s Hatfield. The evening consists of a presentation by our Headteacher, Sixth Form Leadership Team and current students (2 sittings at 6:30pm & at 7:10pm). On the day, we will outline the options available to your child in the Sixth Form at Bishop’s including how to make choices, the range of subjects, entry requirements, expectations, pastoral support and Consortium arrangements. Your child will also be able to meet current students to find out more about Sixth Form life and the enrichment opportunities that are available such as the Extended Project Qualification, leadership roles, community volunteering and preparation for university.Sixth Form Information Evening (November)
You will get the opportunity to explore the subjects and discuss courses on offer with subject staff all evening to gain more insight into the specification content and assessment structure.
Sixth Form Calendar