16-19 Bursary
The government’s 16 to 19 Bursary scheme provides schools and colleges with funds to assist a small number of identified pupils with the costs of continuing in post-16 education.
The information below outlines the government’s 16 to 19 Bursary scheme which provides schools and colleges with funds to assist a small number of identified pupils with the costs of continuing in post-16 education. Pupils who are eligible for any level of funding should complete an application form and return it to Mrs Jones via the Finance Office as soon as possible.
Please be aware that we are obliged to check eligibility every academic year. Therefore, even if your child received bursary funding last year. they will still need to reapply this year.
There are two types of 16 to 19 bursary:
- a bursary for a defined vulnerable group
- a discretionary bursary
Both types will be in the pupil’s own name and any requests for support must come directly from them. Payments or reimbursements can only be made to the pupil and not to the parent or carer.
Qualification criteria for a defined vulnerable group bursary:
The bursary for vulnerable groups can pay up to £1,200 per year to a pupil if that level of support is found to be required. Pupils may only receive the amount they actually need to participate and we are not permitted to automatically award students the full amount if we cannot evidence their needs.
If a student is deemed eligible for this type of bursary, a meeting will be arranged with Mrs James to discuss their needs for the year and create a financial plan.
The defined vulnerable groups are students who are:
- in care (as defined by social services)
- care leavers
- receiving Income Support, or Universal Credit because they are financially supporting themselves or financially supporting themselves and someone who is dependant on them and living with such as a child or partner
- receiving Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payments in their own right as well as Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right
Please inform Mrs Jones, in confidence, if your child is in any of the categories listed above. The supporting evidence required is listed on the application form.
Qualification criteria for a discretionary bursary:
We are also permitted to make discretionary bursary awards to help pupils with the cost of travel, educational trips and to buy essential books, equipment, specialist clothing and materials. These are items students would otherwise need to pay for to participate in their programme of study.
The bursary fund is not intended to provide learning support – for example, counselling or mentoring, or to support extra-curricular activities where these are not essential to the pupils’ study programme. The bursary fund cannot be used to support general household living expenses.
Pupils who are members of households with a gross annual household income of below £27,000 or who are facing other financial constraints may be eligible for a discretionary bursary. If a student is eligible for Free School Meals or received Pupil Premium in Year 11 they have already been identified for Bursary support and no documentary evidence is required, although they must still complete an application form. For all other applications proof of entitlement through supporting documentary evidence of household income or the allowances received by the student is required. There is a list of suitable evidence on the application form.
Schools are encouraged to pay discretionary bursaries in-kind rather than cash as far as possible. In-kind payments can include travel passes, vouchers or credits for meals, required books and required equipment. We are required to assess the needs of the individual students when awarding bursary and the value of the bursary awarded to students will vary depending on their circumstances, taking into account the financial barriers to participation. This is to ensure the funds go to those who genuinely need them.
Entitlement Expectations
Students who are deemed eligible for the discretionary bursary should be aware that there must be no unauthorised absences in order for them to continue to receive financial support. Bursary awards are also conditional on pupils meeting agreed standards of behaviour.
Students and their parents must sign the declaration confirming that the evidence provided is correct and complete to the best of their knowledge and belief. Giving false or incomplete information that leads to incorrect/overpayments may result in future payments being stopped and incorrect funds being recovered. There is also the possibility of the student and/or their family facing prosecution.
Finally, if a pupil is not currently eligible for Bursary support but their circumstances change during the course of the academic year, please let us know as we may be able to offer some assistance.
For a copy of our 16-19 Bursary Policy, please refer to our Policies by clicking here
Download the 16-19 Bursary Letter and Application Form, and view our Tuition Fund Statement here: