House System Overview
At Bishop’s each pupil and staff member belongs to a House and competes throughout the year to win the Bishop’s House Cup and have their House name on the Honours Board.
The House names were decided after a consultation between the staff and the pupils, with everyone recommending and voting on inspirational women from history who represent our school core values and have had a positive impact in a variety of fields.
From a substantial list of potentials, the final Houses that the school community decided on are (Jane) Austen, (Rosalind) Franklin, (Zaha) Hadid, (Lily) Parr and (Mary) Seacole. Positions of responsibility within the Houses are as follows:
House Name | Head of House | Sixth Form House Captain | Sixth Form House Vice Captain |
House Austen | Mrs Higgins | Natsai Nenge | Amy Gardner |
House Franklin | Dr Bune | Isabel Bubbear | Amelia Gould |
House Hadid | Miss Nelson | Kiruga Juvanethan | Ellis Spiers |
House Parr | Miss Rollings | Ananya Nambiar | Lucy Claridge |
House Seacole | Miss Maisey | Alba Aviles-Rouger | Leo Lampard |
Students can win House points for positive behaviour such as attending Enrichment clubs, 100% attendance, excellent classwork, contributions to the school community and winning House competitions. Pupils and their parents/carers can log on to Go4Schools to see how many House Points they have accrued (or lost) during the academic year! Every student who attends an Enrichment club receives one House Point. Students who represent the school in performances or fixtures receive five House Points. Students can also lose House points for negative behaviour such as homework referrals, lateness to school and detentions. The House who finishes the year with the highest number of House points is rewarded with the House Cup, their House name on the school plaque and a day of celebration for pupils and staff at the end of the Summer term. We celebrate in many ways but recently, the winning House Celebration involved spending the morning on the field, taking part in a number of fun activities including inflatable games, a multi-coloured disco dome with music and lights and a whole House rounders game for staff and pupils. Other times, pupils were treated to a delicious pizza lunch before walking to the Odeon at the Galleria for a private film screening and even a gig by a boy band! Good luck to all of the Houses this academic year!