School Council
Each year, three Head Girls and five Senior Prefects are elected by their peers in Years 12 and 13. It is one of the Head Girls’ responsibilities to organise and run regular School Council Meetings.
“Ask not what your school can do for you – ask what you can do for your school.”
The BHGS School Council meets once every half term and School Council Representatives are elected by each form group and hold office for one year. The Head Girls are solely responsible for writing the agenda for the meeting, circulating it to all form groups, leading the meeting and feeding back to the Senior Leadership Team. Our School Council is entirely driven by pupil voice as we think this is key to encouraging our pupils to develop vital leadership skills for the future and to give back positively to our school community.
The School Council meeting agenda may include the amendment and/or approval of new school policies that affect pupils and other ad hoc issues or topics that may have arisen since the last meeting. It is the duty of the School Council Representative to gather information and ideas from the members of their form before attending the School Council Meetings. The agendas and minutes for BHGS School Council meetings can be found in School Council News.
The School Council is a vital cog in the working of our school and its feedback helps us to drive whole school improvement.