A Level History Trip to Berlin, Germany
Year 13 students visited Berlin, Germany for a three-day History tour to enrich their learning of Weimar and Nazi Germany.
Year 13 A level History and German students spent a three-day weekend in Berlin to enrich their learning of the history and culture of Germany.
As part of their A Level History course, the students study the history of Germany from the end of the First World War, 1918 to the end of the Second World War, 1945. During this time period, Germany entered the inter-war period as a democracy under the Weimar Republic, and moved to a dictatorship under Hitler and the Nazi Party, who controlled Germany from the capital city of Berlin. On the three-day trip to Berlin, the students visited key historical sites, such as the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag, and were immersed in the history of the period through tours and visits to the places, such as the German Memorial Resistance Museum, Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp Memorial Museum and the Olympic Stadium. The students were also able to experience the food and culture of Berlin, with visits to cafés, the East Side Gallery, the Mall of Berlin and even had some free-time to relax during an evening of bowling!
The history of Nazi Germany is one of the darkest periods of history, and we visited many places where people in the past had suffered discrimination, persecution and murder under the Nazi regime. The students approached these stories with sensitivity, and they received praise for their engagement and maturity from all our tour guides. The students were all excellent representatives of our school and I am extremely proud to be their teacher.
As one student, Cerys said, “I found it extremely beneficial and a great insight into the true struggle of the people who feature throughout our A Level course. It has really helped me to add depth to my learning.”
I am so pleased that they gained so much from the trip!
Miss Maisey