Share My Pet!

7 Parr Pets via Google Meet

Form 7 Parr met via Google Meet during form time today, to finish off the half term of remote learning, by sharing their pets with us all. We were introduced to lots of amazing pets – lots of cute dogs, cats, guinea pigs and a tortoise! It was a wonderful opportunity to chat together and keep in touch with each other, so that the form identity is maintained. Some special friends also attended – Mrs Gregory’s 59 year old bear, Polly’s monkey and Izzy’s very large teddy bear! Thank you to Miss Parkin for joining us and showing us her beautiful puppy. The form has been amazing at participating in form activities this half term and we are all looking forward to being back together again in school soon!

Covid Lateral Flow Testing in BHGS

BHGS new Covid-19 Lateral Flow Testing Centre has processed 700 results in 5 weeks

I have been working in the Education sector for over 20 years, and I never thought I would see the Main Hall of any school turned into a COVID testing centre…

The week before Christmas last year, the Government made an announcement that would change school halls and gyms up and down the country. They announced that all Secondary Schools were going to be sent all the equipment and PPE needed to begin asymptomatic mass Covid-19 testing of staff and pupils. This announcement must have given Headteachers a headache. Not what they would have wanted just before Christmas!

As the Christmas festivities began, rumours of The Army going into schools to set up these mass testing centres started. Here at BHGS, I am yet to see one single soldier!

We returned to school on the 4th of January, just as Lockdown 3 came in. As we are always open for vulnerable children and those of critical workers, we had to set up our own testing centre. In less than a week, we turned our Main School Hall into a safe, clean testing centre and on the 8th of January we opened our doors. At the start, the recommendation was to test all staff and pupils, who consented to testing, once per week. By the third week in January, this recommendation had changed to twice per week! But we took this change in our strides!

As a small team of up to 10 people working every morning from 8:30am – 10:00am, with 3 private testing booths, we have conducted and processed just over 700 lateral flow tests in the 5 weeks that we have been open. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the school staff and parent volunteers who have stepped up and taken on testing roles that none of us thought would be possible within an education setting this time last year.

As I write this, we are still uncertain about how mass testing will work once schools return ‘to normal’ and like all schools, we await the Governmental announcement due around the 22nd February to see what it brings.

With half term on the horizon to look forward to, I hope you all get the chance to have a rest and relax after this weird start to 2021. Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Martin

Y9 explaining democracy to dictatorship

Year 9 explain how a democracy elects a dictator!

As part of their 20th Century studies, Year 9 History students have examined the legacy of the First World War to explain how one event leads to others. They have been investigating the reasons Hitler came to power in Germany 1933. Their independent research and excellent analysis has allowed them to investigate both the long and short term reasons behind Hitler’s rise to power. This sparked off some excellent discussions and great creativity in their communication of ideas.

Student Equality & Diversity Committee

Student Equality and Diversity Committee 2021

In November, we launched a student Equality and Diversity Committee to promote and celebrate equality, diversity and inclusivity at Bishop’s under the guidance of Miss Maisey, who is the lead teacher for equality and diversity this year. As part of our initial plans, KS4 and KS5 pupils were invited to volunteer to become members of the student committee to lead on this new initiative. Many of the pupils had taken a leading role in our celebrations for Black History Month 2020. In liaison with our Head Girls, who are working with the School Council, the committee has planned events for the year by taking into account wider pupil feedback and suggestions. So far, the committee have organised successful assemblies and whole school activities for World Religion and Culture Week in January 2021 and LGBT+ History Month this February 2021. We would like to congratulate the committee members for all their hard work, dedication and leadership!

Legal Careers Seminar

Sixth Form students joined in an online careers session with lawyers ranging from trainee solicitors to the Head of Legal at a commercial bank

On Friday 29th January, Years 12 and 13 had the opportunity to attend an online careers seminar with lawyers from top international law firm, Clifford Chance, and in-house lawyers at French Bank BNP Paribas. Six lawyers gave a talk about their career paths to where they are now and provided some really useful advice to the participants, who included lots of BHGS A-Level Law students, but also other BHGS and Consortium students too. At the end, the students asked lots of interesting questions.

Year 12 Law prefect, Kiman Dhesi said: ‘It was an insightful morning session with Clifford Chance and BNP Paribas… learning about the different progression routes, including the next steps after Sixth Form. Multiple options were discussed such as apprenticeships and degree options with placement years. The speakers explained the routes that they took after their A-levels, and how they managed to secure work experience. The main takeaway point for many of us was that there are vast opportunities in law firms, which cover a broad range of roles each with their own individual opportunities.’

Virtual Niagara Falls Visit for Y8 Geographers

Year 8 investigate the famous Niagara Falls as part of their work on Rivers

In Geography, Year 8 pupils have undertaken an independent investigation into the way in which Niagara Falls formed, and how the amazing waterfalls now attract tourists from all over the world. Their investigation took them on a virtual visit to research attractions such as the Maid of the Mist, and they discovered more about the the geology and erosive forces of the water have created this dramatic scenery. The projects created were fantastic and showed how hard working, resilient and creative Year 8 pupils are. We certainly have some future engineers, attraction designers and geologists among our pupils!

Year 7 Puppet Theatre

Year 7 were asked to create a puppet show with any objects they could find.

Puppetry is an integral part of professional theatre. After their Drama lessons, Year 7 were asked to create a puppet show with any objects they could find in their house or in school. Both groups did a fantastic job. We received a large number of scripts, pictures and even videos, a small sample of which is shown here.

Continuity for Young Carers Drop In

Young Carers continue to meet this half term

Young Carers’ Drop In is a club held each Thursday lunchtime, to get together pupils who have a caring role at home. It is a place to relax, chat and usually we do a craft activity.

Thank you to the Young Carers currently in school who have continued to meet on a Thursday lunchtime. We have had chats on Google Meets with the Young Carer Ambassadors, Delilah and Alice, as well as continue to do some crafts together. We have also had lots of contributions from Young Carers on their personal caring roles, in preparation for an assembly.

Many thanks to Mrs North and Ms Neesham for their support.

Y7 Historians & the Black Death

Year 7 Historians examine life during the Black Death

Year 7 History pupils have been studying Medieval England, which included an in depth case study on the Black Death. They explored medieval beliefs around the cause of the pestilence and drew on their understanding of current public health measures to explain the relative success and failures of quarantine, isolation and attempts to cure the Black Death. This topic was concluded with an investigation into the impact of the Black Death on society. Year 7 pupils have consolidated their learning by writing their own historical fiction on the time period. They have produced excellent, well written pieces that demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of this key event in world history.