Legal Careers Seminar
Sixth Form students joined in an online careers session with lawyers ranging from trainee solicitors to the Head of Legal at a commercial bank
On Friday 29th January, Years 12 and 13 had the opportunity to attend an online careers seminar with lawyers from top international law firm, Clifford Chance, and in-house lawyers at French Bank BNP Paribas. Six lawyers gave a talk about their career paths to where they are now and provided some really useful advice to the participants, who included lots of BHGS A-Level Law students, but also other BHGS and Consortium students too. At the end, the students asked lots of interesting questions.
Year 12 Law prefect, Kiman Dhesi said: ‘It was an insightful morning session with Clifford Chance and BNP Paribas… learning about the different progression routes, including the next steps after Sixth Form. Multiple options were discussed such as apprenticeships and degree options with placement years. The speakers explained the routes that they took after their A-levels, and how they managed to secure work experience. The main takeaway point for many of us was that there are vast opportunities in law firms, which cover a broad range of roles each with their own individual opportunities.’