Year 9: Life in Nazi Germany
Year 9 Historians investigate the impact of the Nazi regime on society
As part of their study of Nazi Germany, Year 9 Historians have been investigating the impact of Nazism on different social groups. From 1933 to 1945, Hitler aimed to instigate a social revolution in Germany to create a society based on his ideology. Our Year 9 students have been undertaking historical research into the impact of these policies on women, young people, workers and the Catholic and Protestant Church. To develop their historical analysis skills, they were required to use a variety of resources, including contemporary accounts and propaganda to inform their own interpretations on the extent to which Nazi policy affected the different social groups. On completion, they presented their findings to each other during a marketplace event. The students enthusiastically engaged with independent research and it was great to see them so actively discussing their research, formulating their own judgements and engaging with a key historical debate.
Great work Year 9!