You can’t be what you can’t see!
An exciting new Careers Sector Skills workshop day took place for Year 11 and Year 12 on Friday 10th November. The day was one of the first we held in conjunction with Future First, an education charity that helped us upgrade our alumni network with a new digital hub.
Aside from providing a great way for former students/staff to reconnect with their peers, the digital hub allowed us to invite alumni (ex-pupils) to explain their career journeys after leaving Bishop’s to current students. The day also gave our students the chance to consider the various skills required in each career and how they might develop these in the future.
The workshop came at the right time for the students who were thinking about the next steps in their careers. Eight former pupils attended and shared their career paths. From media analysts to forensic scientists, there were relatable role models. Additional sectors included marketing and public relations, nursery and primary school teaching, data analysis, cabin crew and law.
A Year 12 student said, ‘it was so informative and eye-opening to see the many and varied career paths people have chosen. Maybe one day I’ll be back here doing the same thing!’
Alumni are vital to schools and their pupils as career role models, mentors, specialist in-curriculum volunteers, work-related experience providers, governors and sponsors. Our alumni community has grown into a rich network of members in every field imaginable, across the last six decades, some even going back to when Hatfield Girls’ Grammar School opened in 1960.
If you are a former Bishop’s student and have advice, support and guidance you wish to offer to the new generation of Bishop’s pupils – or simply wish to reconnect with your peer group – why not join our network of alumni? Should you know anyone else who attended our school, whether they are your children, neighbours, friends or their children, or if you are still in touch with former pupils or staff, please send them this link and ask them to sign up. Even if ex-pupils have already been on our previous database, they need to actively opt in to the new platform:
Join our Bishop’s Old Girls Alumni Network by clicking on this link!