A-Level lawyers appear at St Albans Crown Court
Twenty five A-Level Law students enhanced their knowledge of the justice system with a visit to a local Crown Court.
Two groups of A-Level Law students took part in trips to St Albans Crown Court this half term. One group was welcomed by a Court usher and one group by the Police Liaison Officer. Both of these court officials gave an introductory talk and answered questions from the students. Both groups were then treated to a Q and A session with a judge, HHJ Roques, a passionate believer in the criminal justice system. This was a fascinating insight into his career as a barrister and decision to become a Crown Court judge. A later discussion with HHJ Wood led to the students considering whether prison sentences are the best option for all offenders.
Further highlights for the students included seeing a trial with witnesses giving evidence, including the replaying of 999 calls and detailed questioning by the prosecution. They saw a jury in action and also heard legal arguments between the barristers acting for the Crown Prosecution Service and for the defendants. Having seen the practical application of the law to real people, Year 13 came back with renewed understanding of, and enthusiasm for, the study of criminal law.