BHGS crowned Welwyn Hatfield Community Youth Champions!
Year 12 students win first prize in the Welwyn Hatfield Community Youth Champion Competition
The Community Youth Champion Project is run by the Welwyn and Hatfield Council in partnership with local secondary schools competing to raise awareness within their school in one of four key areas of youth welfare: increase awareness around mental health and wellbeing; raise awareness amongst young people around drugs, substance misuse and its impact on individuals; healthy relationships or on-line safety e.g. bullying/grooming/identity fraud/coercive behaviour.
A team of eight of our Year 12 Life Skills students chose the theme of ‘Healthy Relationships’ and worked diligently as a project group over 8 weeks from October to December 2021 to raise awareness of the topic across the school. Our Community Youth Champions planned and delivered various activities including presenting Life Skills lessons for Year 7 & 8s and prepared posters, a film and slides. The team also created a ‘suggestion box’ for the school Library for students to post anonymous questions which would be answered in a newsletter to Forms termly. Toilet door posters signposted girls to support organisations, and for the older groups, the slides and film were posted on the Sixth Form Hub, the information platform for Years 12 and 13. The judging panel, which included members of the Welwyn Hatfield Community Safety Partnership, stated: “The Bishop’s Hatfield team tailored their approach very effectively to the different ages of their audience. The team is now looking to take the project further in school over the coming year, following their success!”
Congratulations to: Darcie Lawrence, Samara Miller, Isabelle Weinstein, Muna Knight, Nebbe Hashem, Ellie Kovachky, Charlotte Bean and Holly Rowe. Each team member received a certificate for taking part in the project and a £20 gift voucher for 1st place.
Find out more in the March issue of the One Magazine, a Welwyn Hatfield Council publication which is sent to all residents of the borough.