Bishop’s Census Story
Leading up to Census Day on Sunday 21st March 2021, Year 7-11 forms learnt about the census and why it happens every 10 years to build “a detailed snapshot of our society”, which helps ministers and local authorities plan and fund local services such as education, doctors’ surgeries and roads.
We talked about our individual stories of what has happened since 2011 and where we were in 2011 (previous census). Many couldn’t remember 2011 as they were only 2 years old! Questions discussed included: Do you still live in the same city or town? What was the reason for moving? Do they live in the same house? With the same people? Do they work in the same job? How have their jobs changed over time−for example, with new technology? Have there been any important events, like weddings or the birth of a new baby?
We then discussed our Bishop’s Story and completed A5 sheets for the following 5 questions:
– What do we want for our future?
– What makes us special?
– What words describe us?
– Who’s part of our community?
– What changes have we seen?
The range of amazing answers have blown us away and confirm that being part of the Bishop’s community is a caring, safe and dynamic.