Prize for Young Carer

Lexie Tate wins first prize in Young Carers competition

In February, Lexie won first prize in the monthly competition run by Young Carers In Herts. Lexie took photos of her and her mother, who underwent surgery last year. These show them before and during her hospital stay. Lexie then arranged these on a canvas and submitted them to YCIH. They were really impressed and Lexie won an Amazon voucher. The canvas is a very positive reminder of the support she has given her mum during this time. Well done, Lexie and Mum!

Census 2021

Bishop’s Census Story

Leading up to Census Day on Sunday 21st March 2021, Year 7-11 forms learnt about the census and why it happens every 10 years to build “a detailed snapshot of our society”, which helps ministers and local authorities plan and fund local services such as education, doctors’ surgeries and roads.

We talked about our individual stories of what has happened since 2011 and where we were in 2011 (previous census). Many couldn’t remember 2011 as they were only 2 years old! Questions discussed included: Do you still live in the same city or town? What was the reason for moving? Do they live in the same house? With the same people? Do they work in the same job? How have their jobs changed over time−for example, with new technology? Have there been any important events, like weddings or the birth of a new baby?

We then discussed our Bishop’s Story and completed A5 sheets for the following 5 questions: – What do we want for our future? – What makes us special? – What words describe us? – Who’s part of our community? – What changes have we seen?

The range of amazing answers have blown us away and confirm that being part of the Bishop’s community is a caring, safe and dynamic.

How to revise a topic and eat it!

Year 12 biologists find a novel way to revise the heart by fashioning Easter eggs and sweets to represent the major components.

On Tuesday, we finished our Biology topic on animal transport which includes lots of details about internal structures and the control of the heart beat. We decided that a good way of remembering all the keywords and the chronology of the events in one heart beat would be to make an edible heart! We used Easter eggs and liquorice sticks to form the chambers and the blood vessels entering and leaving the heart. This is something you could try at home with any spare eggs you might receive at Easter!

Y9 investigate ways of reducing the development gap

Fantastic Fairtrade product designs that benefit farmers in LICs

In Geography lessons, Year 9 have been researching Fairtrade as a strategy to help reduce the development gap, by reducing poverty and giving greater job security for communities in Low Income Countries.

The students designed their own fantastic Fairtrade products, including a new brand of protein shake, delicious banana muffins and a special type of sock from a company called Fair Feet! They then took part in a Dragons’ Den style presentation to persuade the class that their product is the ‘must have’ product for everyone! The pupils used their in depth research to write speeches and also produced colourful, eye catching posters advertising their Fairtrade products.

Not only have the students developed their confidence in standing up in front of their peers, but they have also shown an excellent understanding of the issues and setbacks facing farmers in tropical areas of the world, and appreciated how Fairtrade can make a significant difference to people’s quality of life.

Congratulations to Year 9 for their outstanding work!


Y7 Poetry Anthology

Year 7 explored creative ways of displaying the poems they had written

These poetry anthologies were made by the pupils of 7 Hadid over half term. They were the final part of a poetry unit where the students were taught how to write different types of poems. The anthology is a way for them to display what they have written and can be inspired by anything they like. Every year, the English department gives each Year 7 pupil the chance to unleash their creativity in this way. We would usually present our student’s amazing creations on Open Evening but sadly it wasn’t to be this year. We do keep a lovely stock of them in one of the English cupboards though!

Y8 Historians Get Creative

Year 8 used creative ways of sharing their research on the British Empire History

In History, Year 8 pupils have undertaken an independent investigation into the way in which the British Empire impacted on different countries. Students were asked to consider the impact of British rule on different countries. They had to consider different aspects, for example: religious changes, cultural changes, economic and political impacts. Students evaluated the impact of British rule so that they could reach supported conclusions on the overall effect of colonial rule. Students had to engage with controversial ideas and consider current debate amongst historians on these issues.

The projects created were fantastic and showed how hard working, resilient and creative Year 8 pupils are. Some students even created their own YouTube videos and others mocked up google pages to present their research.

Choose the World You Want

International Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 – our ‘Vision’ of the future with a focus on combatting climate change

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 has highlighted the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with. The facts are straightforward. Farmers and workers in countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia and Honduras, who have done the least to contribute to climate change, are disproportionately affected by it. They have told us that: – Climate change is one of their biggest challenges right now. – Low prices for their crops mean that they are struggling to fight back. – Only with more money will they feel equipped to meet their everyday needs and deal with the challenges they face from climate change. – The climate crisis is an immediate and ever-increasing threat and those in climate vulnerable countries are already seeing its impacts from droughts and crop disease to floods, heatwaves and shrinking harvests. – With the emergence of the global COVID pandemic, the challenges that farmers face now are bigger than ever before with falling commodity prices and widespread shocks reverberating along our global supply chains. Ongoing poverty in farming communities makes it increasingly hard to cope with the effects of climate

Bishop’s took part in the Choose the World You Want Fairtrade Competition. One of our top five entries, a painting by Dyllis 7Au has been selected for the Fairtrade Foundation 2021 Exhibition Hall (Clickable Link)

Seeing the light during lockdown!

Year 8 scientists have fun with shadows, pinhole cameras and light refraction during lockdown

Year 8 scientists have successfully completed their key stage 3 light topic, utilising the online jam boards as well as finding a great use for their old toilet rolls! Mr Short’s class created pinhole cameras to illustrate the focusing of light rays using toilet rolls and foil. You could always have a go at home (

They were able to plot some data using their jam boards as well as looking at how light travels and the fun shadows that can be formed when light is blocked by an opaque object.