Pastoral Care
Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School is a caring community where we aim to help all girls feel valued. Your daughter will only produce her best work if she is happy and secure at school. All our staff work hard to support the needs of each individual girl.
Our pupils are expected to meet high standards in work, behaviour and dress and to extend consideration and courtesy to other pupils, staff and visitors and this is reflected in our school values.
There is a Head of School for each Key Stage who monitors each girl’s academic progress and deals with any serious issues affecting a girl’s work. The Head of School is supported by Heads of Year who oversee the girls’ well-being and personal needs. Form tutors see the girls daily and are the first point of contact for most issues.
‘‘Staff, pupils and parents are exceptionally positive about all aspects of the school. The pastoral care of pupils is excellent” (Ofsted 2016)
“ Pupils’ personal development is a jewel in the crown of this school. The promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is demonstrated through high-quality art, drama, music, sport, as well as pupil ‘s tolerance and empathy” (Ofsted 2016)
Kooth – a free and confidential online support tool for all pupils