Call to Action ! Apprenticeship Registering Workshop
Year 12 attend a workshop to outline all apprenticeship options and help pupils register
The Department of Education are actively encouraging all employers to provide Apprenticeships at all levels of education from the more traditional Apprenticeships at 16+ to Apprenticeships at 18+, 21+ and beyond. A few weeks ago as part of our Year 12 Careers programme, our pupils were given a myth-busting presentation on all the opportunities available to them in the world of Apprenticeships. Following on from this, Bishop’s hosted an Apprenticeship Registration Workshop to help our pupils sign up and use the government website for all Apprenticeship opportunities that arise going forward. This workshop was optional – as another route to consider along with UCAS for our Year 12s – and about half the cohort joined in this active session. Our presenter, Becky Betts of Services for Young People, explained how to register and set up alerts for areas of interest. She also explained further the different types of Apprenticeships that exist nationwide and the wide range of businesses and organisations in multiple fields and disciplines the Apprenticeship listings cover. Top tips were given on how to search chosen fields and employers and then advice on how to apply. Our pupils got the interactive session to register and familiarise themselves with opportunities. This is all part of our Year 12 Careers programme focusing on equipping our young people with information about the many choices they have at 18+.
For more information on apprenticeships, visit our Careers page.