Great Bishop’s Exhibition – Year 8 assess the British Empire
Our Year 8 enjoyed a History Assessment with a difference!
Our Year 8 always enjoy one particular Assessment in the History syllabus: when they get a chance to re-create the Great Exhibition of 1851! As part of their studies into the British Empire and its positives and negatives, Year 8 are tasked with finding out more about certain countries and the impact on them in being part of the biggest Empire in the world. Our pupils never cease to amaze with this project – in their delivery and enthusiasm! It is a group task. All have roles from creative stall decoration and cake making to research and write up. There are also key roles on the day of the exhibition, to present and explain their judgements on the impact on their allocated county. The Great Bishop’s Exhibition included Ireland, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, Kenya, Barbados and South Africa. The displays were full of fun facts, history of the country and if we were lucky a tasty cake or culinary treat indigenous to their country. Mr Wood and Mrs Mansfield were special guests at the Exhibition and both were bowled over by the range of information and creativity on display – I think they even got to sample a few goodies when visiting!