Bishop’s First Engineering Scholar

Year 12 student is the first Bishop’s pupil to receive a prestigious engineering scholarship from the Arkwright programme

Congratulations to Harriet Tilsley (Year 12) who has become Bishop’s first Arkwright Engineering Scholar. This is the most esteemed scholarship of its type in the UK, designed to support and inspire students to change the world as future leaders of engineering. Awarded at the beginning of Year 12, the Scholarship provides enrichment experiences, financial support and promotes valuable networking and employment opportunities within industry

Harriet says; “The scholarship will allow me to develop my engineering skills, network with other like-minded people, and get an insight into industry. I would also like to inspire other Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School students to pursue careers in engineering. In the future I would like to study engineering at a top university, specialising in renewable energy and sustainability. With the current state of the world, I feel that by using my love of engineering I can help combat issues like climate change and the lack of access to energy in more remote areas. This will help the world’s transition into a more advanced and sustainable future. I would like to thank Mrs Hughes for helping me through the application process and Mr Stevens for recommending me for the scholarship. I would also like to thank Arkwright Engineering Scholarships and the Smallpeice Trust for this incredible opportunity as well as the Society of Petroleum Engineers for sponsoring me.”

Well done, Harriet! We very much look forward to hearing how you are getting on.

Cross Country Trials

Great attendance at Cross Country Trials!

The PE Department have been running trials for the upcoming District Cross Country competition in November.

Trials were open to all pupils in Years 7-11 and no experience was needed – just the love of running!

In total we had over 45 + girls from all years attended the various rounds – the highest number ever. Well done girls!

Over the following weeks the squads in each year group were cut down and the final teams for the District have been selected as follows –

Year 7: Hurinatu K Violet B Ruby L (Vice Captain) Zahra L (Captain) Miruna B Georgia W

Year 8: Jackie R (Vice Captain) Cecile R (Captain) Ella H Sophie B Mia J Coral E

Year 9: Ruby S Erin M Libby P (Vice Captain) Anna S (Captain) Chloe A Jess H

Senior Team (All Year 11) Daniella S (Captain) Amelie H (Vice Captain) Roxy M Amelie R Millie R Katelin R

Congratulations to all girls who have been selected and well done to all girls who attended trials. Good luck to all of the teams involved in the District Cross Country Competition on Tuesday 9th November at Queenswood School.

A taste of Sixth Form life

The Year 11 taster sessions over the last two weeks have been helping students to decide what they want to do after their GCSEs.

The last two weeks have seen Year 11 students attending taster sessions for all the different subjects available in the Sixth Form. In the Humanities department, this has included a diverse range of topics covering A Levels in Business Studies, Geography, History, Law, Philosophy and Ethics, Politics and Sociology. Budding geographers examined ‘fast fashion’ and the origin of our clothing, looking at the various countries that produce garments. In Law students had to identify the crimes committed in the film Home Alone by the burglars breaking into Kevin’s home (it’s never too early for a Christmas film!) Whilst in Sociology there was an interesting discussion about the impact of Covid 19 on family life. Details of all of the A-Level subjects are covered on our website:  HERE

You can also find our more about our Sixth Form during our Information Evening on Thursday 4th November (6:30-8pm)

A thrilling author visit by Sue Wallman

Young Adult book author, Sue Wallman, opens Year 7 & 8 pupils to the world of thriller writing

On 19 October, Sue Wallman, the award-winning author of a series of young adult thrillers (Lying About Last Summer, See How They Lie, Your Turn to Die, Dead Popular & I Know You Did It) came to Bishop’s. She gave a talk to year 7 and year 8 pupils in the hall and answered lots of questions about publishing, which was her favourite book amongst those she has written, her favourite book of all times, and where she gets her inspiration from. She also ran a ‘Secrets, Lies and Murder’ workshop! The pupils were really keen to ask questions and get her books signed. They were very engaged, polite and interested and Sue even commented on what a credit they were to our school.

Netball fixtures are back at BHGS!

A great start to the Netball season for teams at Bishop’s

We have been able to get Netball fixtures up and running again for the first time in a few months which has seen some great results from both new and existing teams in Years 7-11.

Thursday 7th October – Home game vs Chancellors. Teams involved 9A and 9B. The 9A and 9B team had their first game since Year 7 and a lot of new faces in both the A and the B teams. Attendance at club has been brilliant with around 25-30 girls attending each week which has helped to drive the standards even more so well done to all girls who have been coming to club so far. Result 9A won 9A won 10-7 and 9B won 13-6 with Player Of The Match for the 9A team – Erin M and Player Of The Match for the B team was Amelia T. Well done everyone!

Monday 11th October – Away game vs Chancellors. Teams involved – 7A, 7B, 8A and 8B. The first ever BHGS Netball fixtures for all 4 of these teams with some very excited pupils (and staff) at the prospect of more competitive Netball games! The 7A team did very well and certainly found their rhythm into the 3rd and 4th quarters to just miss out on the win with an 8-6 loss. Player Of The Match was Amara C. The 7B team also did well in their game and grew in confidence to lose 6-3 in the final quarter. Player Of The Match was Annaliese A. The 8A team dominated from the first quarter and did very well (even when a few positions were changed to rotate the squad) to win 2-16. Player Of The Match was Mia C. The 8B team did well and showed great teamwork in a much closer game, particularly in the last quarter, to hold out for a 6-7 win. Player Of The Match was Grace M.

Thursday 14th October – Home game vs Monks Walk. Teams involved – 8A and 9A. Both teams continued their unbeaten run this season with strong wins against Monks Walk. There was some excellent flow of play in both games, particularly the 9A team who had some unenforced positional changes due to absence. 9A won 36-2 and Player Of The Match was Gracie B. 8A won 18-1 and Player Of The Match was Mia C.

Monday 18th October – Away game vs Monks Walk. Teams involved – 10A and 11A/11B. With limited games for both age groups this year, it was a good opportunity to take two larger squads to this fixture. The 10A team had a few new faces in the team with some girls from the GCSE PE group making their Netball team debut. The girls did well considering how many new pupils there were in the squad and they tried some different combinations. Final result 11-4 to Monks Walk and Player Of The Match was Scarlett B. The 11A and 11B teams went over and played a half each against the Year 11 Monks Walk team. Numbers at training have been fantastic – particularly with all of the other extra commitments and school work the girls have had to juggle so it was a great opportunity for all of the girls to get some game time. The game showed some excellent consistency, footwork and attacking play – well done Year 11. Final result 9-13 to Bishop’s.

Fixtures after half term – Tuesday 2nd November – (H) vs Mount Grace – 7B, 8B and 9B teams only. 3:45pm start. Monday 8th November – (A) vs Stanborough – 7A, 8A, 9A and 11A teams only. 3:45pm start.

Training for all year groups will run on Monday ONLY on the first week back due to Gym and Dance auditions. Monday 1st November – Years 7, 9 and 11 Netball -ON. Wednesday 3rd November (Year 10) and Thursday 4th November (Year 8) CANCELLED.

A fantastic start to the Netball season from everyone – great numbers at training and some brilliant results. Keep it up!

Alumna returns to Bishop’s to talk science and life after A Levels!

Noreene Buyoc, a former BHGS student, returns to Bishops to discuss her degree and industrial placement with Year 13 biologists.

Noreene graduated from Bishop’s in 2018 with 3 Science A levels. She studied Biomedical Sciences at Middlesex University and is currently working at the Health Services Laboratories in London as part of her placement. Noreene shared her experiences of studying science A levels and the challenges of a science degree. Noreene’s 2nd year was disrupted by Covid and she was very open about how all the undergraduates coped during that time. She chatted to us about university life and how important it is to be resilient and determined during and after A levels. It was fun and interesting and all the year 13 biologists are grateful to Noreene for giving up her time to come back to her old school and pass on her newly gained skills and knowledge.

Pearl Q