Year 11 Team up to Master Obstacles in ‘Bishop’s Warriors’
Year 11 displayed team tactics and tenacious spirit during the Bishop’s Warriors event just before half term.
On 15th February 2024, Year 11 spent the afternoon working in teams to master a plethora of obstacles set up on the sports field. The obstacles were physical and mental challenges that had to be tackled as a team. Teams enjoyed activities such as the ‘wibbly wobbly wet wheelbarrow race’, ‘the tunnel of terror’, ‘tyre-some teams’ and the ‘cool pool’ with mental agility tasks including ‘memory magic’ and ‘riddle dee dee’! Many teams dressed up for the event and created fantastic names for their teams including ‘Jammy Dodgers’ and ‘Women in Black’!
The Bishop’s warriors event allows Year 11 to expand their team building skills and develop more resilience, to have a go at all obstacles as a team regardless of weather conditions and skill level. This is a great experience that helps prepare them mentally for their forthcoming GCSE exams as well as allowing them to have fun before the intense revision begins.