Year 11 Bishop’s Warriors
Year 11 students rose to the Bishop’s challenge and completed all the outdoor obstacles and activities designed to test their endurance!
On Friday 3rd February, all year 11 students spent the afternoon completing physical and mental challenges designed to test their teamwork, resilience and ability to adapt.
We worked in teams. Some teams were dressed for the occasion, e.g. one team was dressed as the teenage mutant ninja turtles! We had 5 minutes for each member of our team to complete an obstacle, some were team events and some were individual challenges. One of the challenges involved fishing out numbered shells from a paddling pool full of water and a lot of students enjoyed jumping into the water to complete this challenge! Other challenges included ‘balance for your life’ where we had to work our way across zigzagged benches in groups of 3 and the trippy trappy tyre run where we had to see how quickly our team could traverse the tyres! In amongst the physical obstacles we had to complete mental agility tasks including number puzzles and memory games. It was great fun and we ended with a tug of war for the ultimate challenge!
These events helped us to realise that we can dig deep when we have to and complete tasks that we would never normally encounter. A great, fun way to prepare us for the next few months as our GCSE exams approach.
Seyram A (Year 11)