Willow Concert 2019
Singing for the Willow Christmas Concert 2019
Despite being members of the choir for so long, we still always look forward to the Willow Foundation Carol Concert every year! Each year, we stay after school on the night of the concert to practise, enjoying the extra time with our friends from the choir. Going to choir rehearsals has become one of the most entertaining parts of each of our weeks! Then, we travel by coach to the picturesque St Albans Cathedral… The beautiful building never fails to amaze us!
Yet, the real enjoyment comes from the concert itself. After a couple of hours worth of practising, and perfecting our parts, the concert begins. It is such a pleasure for us to be in the presence of Bob and Megs Wilson, especially since Anna Wilson used to attend Bishops’, and the choir’s performance holds a special place in their hearts. The atmosphere is always so full of love. Hearing Herts Chorus perform is a privilege and we aspire to sound like them one day! The concert is always emotional for us, and such a touching experience. The Willow Foundation, a charity that provides people with serious illnesses a chance to have a special day, is a charity that we respect so much. We are glad to help them raise money for such a brilliant and worthy cause. Their work over the years has been so amazing, and the concert always exceeds our expectations!
Written by Elena Savvas, Molly Hoy, Amy North Marta Fernandez-Pino, Jodie Garg, Annie Slater