Rotary Club Technology Tournament
Pupils make a vehicle to travel across a rope suspended over a crocodile infested river
The Rotary (Club of Hatfield) Technology Tournament was held on 12th March at Onslow St Audrey’s School. We were tasked to design and then make a vehicle that could travel and drop items along a rope suspended above a crocodile infested river. We also had to create a portfolio that showed how our ideas progressed throughout the first half of the day.
We used our knowledge of axles, pulleys and circuits to successfully complete the task. The task was challenging but we stuck to it. Dr Lota was not allowed to help us. Our practical solution and portfolio took us the entire day and we faced many challenges along the way: such as keeping the rubber bands attached to the wooden wheels and turned by a motor. Also, arranging the weight distribution so the vehicle wouldn’t fall off the rope and into the water.
After a long time of trial and error we managed to make a vehicle to carry a package across the river. However, it was difficult to attach the circuit and motor to this but eventually we stuck it to the top of our vehicle so it could reach the axle. This experience helped us to visualise and complete tasks in a specific period of time and we were able to work as a team and under pressure. We learnt that the vehicle had to be narrow to balance properly on the wire along an axle. All the weight had to be on the bottom so the motor would work the most efficiently.
We all enjoyed our opportunity to take part and learn many skills, such as team work and perseverance, and be creative. Bishop’s had entered four teams and we came 2nd and 3rd out of eleven teams in our category. An educational and enjoyable day!
Martha C (9Se)