Parents’ Association (PA)
We are an informal group and always welcome new parents. All parents of our pupils are automatically members of the PA and many support school activities. Our Committee organises opportunities for parents, carers and pupils to meet socially through a series of events each year.
Please fill in our Expression of Interest for Parents/Carers form or email us on
We usually meet termly either in school or outside in an informal setting and always welcome new ideas and suggestions.
If parents are unable to make it to the termly meetings, there are many other ways to enrich your daughter’s time at Bishop’s. We therefore encourage you to put your name on the list of volunteer helpers that can be drawn upon for different events. Don’t worry, you will not be inundated with requests. Sometimes a cake or a contact is all we need!
Bishop’s Hatfield Girls’ School Parents’ Association is a registered charity. Any funds raised are donated to the school to purchase additional resources which are not normally covered by the school’s budget.
On moving into our new school building, the PA donated the amazing £10,000 light and sound system in the main hall.
The PA also runs the second hand uniform sales and welcomes any donation of outgrown uniform and PE kit. Any donations should be marked for the attention of the school office and taken to the school office. Sales of used uniform are run several times a year, and parents will be notified in advance of the dates.
If you would like to volunteer, contribute ideas or obtain more information, please fill in our Expression of Interest for Parents/Carers form or email us on