Exploring Animal Rights: Highlights from the RE Animal Rights Conference
A Day of Thought-Provoking Discussions
Thursday 14th November was an enriching day for our Year 10 students as they embarked on their first RE Conference of the year. The focal point of the day’s exploration was the ethical dilemma: “Is using animals for our own purposes ever justifiable?”
The Conference gave students the opportunity to discuss some of the most pressing issues related to the treatment of animals, their rights, and how we can make ethical decisions that support animal welfare. The Conference also allowed students to explore how different religious traditions address the moral obligations humans have toward animals and how these teachings can inspire action for change.
Throughout the day, students participated in various tasks and discussions aimed at deepening their understanding of animal rights issues from the perspective of different religions. These interactive sessions covered a range of topics, including ethical consumption, factory farming, the use of animals in scientific research, and the role of laws in protecting animals.
The conference highlighted how RE provides a unique space for students to explore complex moral issues and encouraged the students to think critically about the world around them and how they can contribute to a more compassionate and just society.