Author Virtual Talk
Year 7 and 8 meet author Tamsin Winter virtually
We hosted a virtual author talk for Y7 & Y8 last week. Tamsin Winter is a part-time Teacher, a lone parent and writes for ages 10-14. She studied Creative Writing and English Literature at university. She has written 3 books with a fourth in the pipeline. “Being Miss Nobody” published 2018 deals with mental health, selective mutism, bullying and grief. It is inspiring, funny and heart-warming. “Jemima Small vs the Universe” published 2019 is a human story, uplifting and empowering. It is about discovering inner strength, building self-confidence and learning to love who you are. “Girl in Real Life” will be published summer 2021 deals with the social media world, privacy and hacking. Her talk was funny, open and honest and the girls were queuing up to ask her questions at the end.
This talk was funded by the school library.