A Level Sociology & Karl Marx
A Level Sociology students take a trip to central London to learn about Karl Marx’s life and influences
I have just travelled to London with my two sociology classes, Miss Ferguson and Miss Maisey. We started off in Oxford Street where we met the tour guide who would tell us about Karl Marx’s life and his journey to Sociology. The tour was really engaging and fascinating because the guide was so knowledgeable and passionate about sociology. Then, before we learned more about Karl Marx’s residence, we travelled to Leicester Square and Chinatown to see a number of restaurants where he apparently discussed his ideologies with other philosophers. My favourite part was the last flat Karl lived in, which was marked by a plaque on the wall, and where he lived from 1851 to 1856. Our visit ended at the British Museum, where our guide pointed out numerous philosophical features that related to our sociological topics in class. We gained knowledge about Marx’s interests and residence in the streets of London that many people probably do not know! It widened my knowledge further for my classes and essays but also for next time when I walk around London, I’ll be able to remember facts from the guide’s extensive interests.
Lola P