eBooks from the School Library
Over 1300 eBooks now available from the Library Catalogue
We have been able to add 1300+ eBooks to our Library Catalogue for the next three months (this will then be reviewed). So now there’s no excuse to not be reading whilst you’re staying home! (And you can also post reviews of the books you’ve read too.)
To access the eBooks, open the Library Catalogue AccessIT tile (found on your RMUnify dashboard). Log in via the SSO function under ‘Guest’ on the top right-hand side of the screen. Search for a book and if an eBook version is available you’ll find a record for it with a URL (web) link which you can click on and it will then give you the option to borrow it. Any questions, please email Mrs Roth.
Hertfordshire Libraries Online
If you’re a member of Hertfordshire Libraries you can also borrow eBooks and audiobooks via the BorrowBox app which can be downloaded on to any device (available from App or Google Play stores).
More information here https://www.borrowbox.com/
Additionally, Hertfordshire Libraries have over 130 magazines and today’s newspapers available for free online too. Download the RBDigital app for magazines and PressReader app for newspapers (but you do need to be a library card holder to access).
We’ll continue to look for new ways to bring resources to you online during this time of school closure and lockdown.
In the meantime, stay at home, stay safe and keep reading!
Mrs Roth Senior Librarian