Green Club Cooks up its Greens
Green Club cooks up its own grown greens
On the last Thursday that we were in school, the Green Club met in the Food room and Mrs Fisher showed us how to make crispy greens by cutting up greens and curly kale which had been grown by the girls at Green Club. We rubbed oil and sugar into the greens, then spread them out on a baking tray and we put them in a pre-heated oven on a very high temp for just a couple of minutes.
We were a little bit unsure what the outcome would be but by everyone’s admission, we all agreed that Mrs Fisher had surpassed herself. It was fantastic! What was left over was handed round to members of staff and no one said they did not like it; even Mrs Asante (who isn’t good with her greens) said it was tasty.
We are hoping to include more quick cooking sessions of what we have grown in the Green Club in the future when it is quiet in the garden. So, watch this space!
Mr Underwood (for Green Club)