Sixth Form Life Skills
“To help students understand themselves as individuals and their relationships with others, and to understand and participate in society as informed, competent, responsible, caring individuals.”
All Sixth Form students participate in Life Skills sessions which are held on Friday mornings. The lessons prepare students to make the transition from school to higher education, further education, work and the changing roles and responsibilities in the adult world.
Topics are covered using a wide range of methods including case studies, videos, role-play, mock interviews, individual career interviews, visits, debates, outside speakers and workshops.
The activities enable the students to develop a wide range of skills including:
- Decision Taking
- Information gathering
- Information Assessment & Analysis
- Interview Skills
- Self Reliance
- Study Skills
- Problem Solving
- Organisation Skills
- Careers
- Citizenship
- Current Affairs
- Finance
- Health Education
- Living away from home
- Motoring
- Philosophy
- Politics
- Study Skills
- Religion
- Sport