Science Fair Fizzy Drink Fountains
Key stage 3 scientists finalise their fizzy fountains as they prepare for the Science Fair 2024
On Wednesday 3rd July, teams of year 7 and 8 students will display and discuss their science projects as part of this year’s Science Fair. All key stage 3 scientists designed a project on a particular aspect of science that they found interesting and one group from each class was judged the best. These groups had to continue their project so they can present it at the Science Fair. Judges from the local STEM community will assess each team’s work on their originality, presentation of data, team work and ability to communicate their work effectively as part of the Bishops 360. Our team wanted to see if different fizzy drinks would make a difference to the size of the ‘fountain’ made when mints were added. We made sure all other variables were kept constant and had some very interesting results. We are looking forward to showing our work on Wednesday and good luck to all the teams in this year’s Science Fair.