How to make your CV stand out!
Our Year 12 students’ CVs are set to stand out thanks to the top tips of a CV Consultant
Your CV is a document that you take with you for all your working life. The term Curriculum Vitae is Latin for “course of one’s life”, so it is a vitally important document for all our Year 12s looking to embark on their careers. Tracey Whitmore, a local CV doctor/consultant and author, came in on Friday to run a workshop as part of our Sixth Form Careers programme. Mrs Whitmore is consultant to senior management and has worked in this industry for more than a decade, now running her own consultancy The CV Doctor. Our Year 12s were shown the good and bad of CVs and given a chance to review them – being reminded that their CVs will be reviewed on average in 7 seconds – so impact is key! Mrs Whitmore went through how to structure a CV and what to put in it. Top Tips to do with layout, content and accuracy were covered. Our Year 12s were fully engaged – making suggestions for improvements and then went off to create or enhance their CVS. As prizes, copies of Mrs Whitmore’s book, ‘The CV Doctor’, were given out. All Year 12 are encouraged to develop their CVs alongside their LinkedIn profiles and professional photographs introduced a few weeks ago. They are also expected to have their CVS ready for a Mock Interview session that will be taking place early next term in their Life Skills sessions.