Bishop’s promotes Fairtrade in the community
Save the World Club inspired to create a Fairtrade Display to be put in the community
During Fairtrade Fortnight 2022, Save the World Club were inspired to create a Fairtrade Display to be put in the community. The girls made some beautiful bunting and planned out how to present the display using quotes and resources produced by KS3 students at Bishop’s. The display includes the benefits of fairtrade, examples of fairtrade products, quotes from Year 7 students and the letter STW Club sent to Mr Shapps.
We contacted the Co-op in Hatfield and visited to discuss our idea. Unfortunately the community board had been taken down so we weren’t able to put up the display. However, Chiswell Green Co-op loved the idea and so the posters and information leaflets are on display for the next few weeks. The manager at Cell Barnes Lane, St Albans, saw our display and loved the idea of young people prompting the important message about Fairtrade. He has invited us to put up the display in his store at the end of April!