BHGS embraces biotechnology 10th July
Dr Bune and Mrs Trendifilova were at an Amgen Biotechnology Experience course this week and featured on BBC Look East, which was shown on 9th July. Thanks to BHGS teacher & ABE UK project manager Mrs Cardell, our school will now be able to borrow DNA manipulation equipment to help teach various aspects of the Key Stages 4 and 5 curriculum. The techniques (and thus equipment) include; using micro-pipettes, restriction digests of DNA, ligation of DNA and DNA gel electrophoresis.
The BBC reporters were interested in how Amgen are helping promote STEM in schools and Dr Bune said, “It’s excellent for us and for the pupils. We come from an Outstanding girls’ school and are always looking for new ways of getting the girls engaged in Science. To get an opportunity like this where we can borrow the equipment for free is fantastic.”